Max is 44 and Tina is 17.
Narrated by Max.

Things are going really well with the store. Several of the customers nominated us for a business reward which we got!

I told Tina the good news and that I was putting $8,000 in her bank account for her college tuition- and college tuition only. After already assuming that she wouldn't be able to go because we couldn't afford it, she was delighted and started putting a lot more effort into her school work.

She's started seeing some boy, Robert, I think his name is. I'm not sure I like the look of him. Dressed all in black and what's with the black lipstick?! I suppose he atleast had the decency to take her on a date, and pay for their meal.

I can't stop them from doing anything, I just hope they're sensible about things. Tina is a smart girl, i'd hate for her to miss out on college and a good career just because of a careless accident.

After seeing what Georgina has been through, I thought it might put Tina off ever having kids but she told me that she wants to be a mum, and sooner rather than later. She has reassured me that she wants to get through college first and find a job before starting a family, I just hope she sticks to her word!

Despite her best efforts, she didn't do as well in her final year of school as she had hoped. She still passed though and is excited to be heading off to college with best friends Louisa and Sean.

Meanwhile, it's still all go on the farm. There's twice as much work now, with only one pair of hands. I'm looking forward to Joanne graduating and returning home!
Notes: I'm not even sure when Tina met Robert but they seem to really, really like each other so i'll leave them be. Tina is ready to settle down already but will be completing college and getting a job before I let her start a family- I so do not want any babies in college!