Just one birthday for now, Lauren Henshaw is now 4!
Narrated by Tina.
After Declan broke up with me I decided the best thing to do was just keep myself busy. My grandad died and dad inherited some money and payed off the loan that he first took out when we moved here but we're still struggling for money. Dad told me about a medical trial that he took part in several years ago but it seems to have come back to bite us. I haven't had a chance to meet my half-siblings yet. I guess it's a bit harsh to wish they had never been born, they never wished for it and dad just thought he was doing a helpful thing for someone but things sure would be easier financially if dad didn't have to fork out child support to them. Maybe my feelings will change when I finally get to meet them.
We switched to a new crating system at the store and it's a success! We're earning a lot more money now than we ever have been.
I still help out whenever I can. With Joanne now at university, dad was struggling to run the store by himself and we couldn't afford to hire anybody outside of the family. Even when we can afford it, dad says he's not sure if he wants to. He says he likes the idea of it being a purely family run business.
Whenever i'm not at the store or school, I try to keep busy by catching up with friends. Strictly no boys though. I think after Declan, i'm happy just chatting to Louisa.
We got lucky when Joanne went to college. There weren't any fees or requirements for her to get in. Unfortunatly now though, there's a strict system, several requirements to meet and also a fee to pay (unless you're super smart and gain several scholarships!). I want to go but I know that at the moment, dad can't afford it. He even got a second job working in a convenience store but we're still struggling to make ends meet. I might try my luck to gain as many scholarships as I can in the next two years so hopefully dad won't have to worry about paying.
Notes: I've decided not to continue with my megahood and concentrate purely on Autumn Shore. With a baby on the way, I honestly have no idea where I thought the time to play 4 different neighbourhoods and regularly update blogs would come from. I suppose the Pleasant family where the deciding factor in that- constant bickering and fighting even when on vacation, damn them! I'm starting to feel less sick and tired so i'm trying to get back into the habit of playing atleast for a little while each day.
The Walker family really are the poorest in Autumn Shore. It doesn't help that I have the child support hack installed so it takes money from them each day (or adds it to the bills if they don't have enough!). I could see they were going to be in debt for all eternity so I cheated a little with that- that would be when Max's 'dad' (non-existent in the game but we can pretend) died and Max got some money. Hopefully with Max's second job things will get better for them, especially with Tina wanting to go to university and taxes due in Summer 2002!
I have the uni update to hopefully post tomorrow. And with that, i'm off to play the Winter 2001 update!
Narrated by Donna.
Despite Ramona taking Saoirse as a kitten, I still feel as if every spare moment of my time is taken up looking after the cats.
I suppose I should be glad. Sean is heading off to university in a few years so i'll be here alone. Time really does fly when you're a parent.
Sean isn't doing too bad in school. I think if he spent less time playing video games and more time studying, he'd get that A in no time.
He seems to spend a lot of time with Louisa Mason too. I'm sure he told me that she was planning to go to college too. I hope she doesn't distract him from his studies...
I got a new job as an events planner. I've never really been bothered as to what I did as a career, as long as it paid the bills but I have to admit, I think I love this job more than my old one and i'm looking forward to working my way to the top.
Notes: I played this update about 2 weeks ago. Since finding out I was pregnant a month ago I find myself going to work, coming home and going straight to bed so sadly I haven't had much energy for sims! I have read that you're less tired during the second trimester and I have my 12 week scan on 12th December so roll on next month!
Not much to say about the Brockman's. They're the calm after storm (a.k.a. the Henshaw's....). I think Sean has 1 more, maybe 2, updates before uni.