Sunday, 23 June 2013

Round 5- Mason

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Narrated by Jonny.

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I know it happened a long time ago but I still get so angry when I think back to when we were burgled. I still don't know why we were a target, it wasn't like we had any money. We still don't have much money but the same can be said for everyone in Autumn Shore. We all took the houses on knowing they were so cheap because there was still so much work to be done on them. Everything is starting to come together though.

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When Allie graduated college she decided to get her own place so she's renting a small one bedroom house. With my eldest now standing on her own two feet it got me thinking that I needed to have a chat with the other two about growing up and being generally responsible in life. They seemed to listen but you know what teenagers are like... Gary is due to head off to college soon so I hope he behaves himself.

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Louisa is still very much my baby, i'm not sure what I make of her dating Sean Brockman. He seems like a nice lad. I think i'll have a chat with him and subtly let him know that if he breaks my daughter's heart, i'll break his legs.

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I came home from work the other day with flu. Louisa told me the bath was spouting water again, well, I left Gary to attempt and fix it himself. It would be good practice for when he left for college. All I could hear coming from the bathroom was banging and a lot of cursing...

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The good news in our house is that Sooty and Jess had two puppies, Fudge and Luna. I'm not sure if they'll both be staying with us for much longer. We're still trying to get the house sorted and four dogs are expensive to keep! Allie came round to visit and fell in love with them so she's currently begging her landlord to let her have a pet in the house!

Notes: I think my new writing style is working out a lot better than the old one! It's a little more interesting to read and a lot more easier to write! I had intended to introduce a whole new calendar system but shortly after I started playing I realised that it just wasn't going to work so i've reverted back to my old 'maxis' system. It works for me so i'm happy for now! Still a lot of new stuff coming, I plan to build all the community lots so stay tuned for that. I'm going to attempt to build a school and have Ramona run it. I'm not sure if the school will work or not but I can only give it a try! All being well, you'll see a fully functional school in Ramona's update. I would have had this update posted sooner but I sent my computer off to the local computer whizz and he stripped it down and told me what I would need to buy for it to be able to run sims 3. So, i've ordered some extra memory and a bigger(?) cpu that should arrive early-mid next week. I've only got the sims 3 base game and 2 expansion packs so fingers crossed the newly updated computer will be able to run it and then you'll have yet another blog to read! Back to this update, Gary is due to go to college at the end of round 5 with Declan and Joanne.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Round 4- University

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(Allie Mason is 20, Ramona Brockman is 20)

Narrated by Allie.

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With it being the final two years of college, Ramona and I decided to put in a lot more extra effort than we had been. I've enjoyed my college years so far and I have no regrets but that doesn't mean I don't want to graduate!

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We still make time to hang out, even if it is only at breakfast. I'm studying literature and Ramona is studying psychology so we have classes at different times.

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I've missed music since i've been at college so I bought a guitar. You'll find me in my dorm room rocking it out when i'm not at class or with Ramona!

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They really need to get some sort of security system on campus. I got pick pocketed by some weirdo in a top hat. I might not have won the fight this time but he'd better hope I never see him again!

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Ramona and I both graduated with 3.9 GPA's. Neither of us wanted to move back in with our families so we've both got a flat each.

Notes: New writing style. I've been slowly (and I mean slowly!) working my way through Sullivan Sims blog. I'm only up to round 14 but it's inspired me to try a different writing style. I'll be linking sims names in each update from now on and also in their sim profiles. It should hopefully make it easier to follow who's who. New things are coming to Autumn Shore too including Autumn Shore University (Allie and Ramona went to La Fiesta Tech because I was too lazy to build something better), the new shopping district- Kerry Creek is already started with the Walker Farm Market already built and running. There's a new downtown coming- Clover City. I'm not 100% sure but I might put some houses/apartments in there for future sims. I'll be starting up another blog, a megahood with the Maxis sims. I think i've mentioned my megahood before but to be honest, I screwed up the first one so i'm starting from scratch with this one! About this update, I whizzed Allie and Ramona through the final 2 years of college. I thought about moving them back into their founding lots but decided there wasn't really any need. Gary is the Mason heir and Sean the Brockman heir so Allie and Ramona might as well just go it alone. I was going to have them share an apartment but decided that Allie needed a room for her witchy things so they have their own apartments.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Round 4- Walker

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Max sold up the old business lot and paid off the loan. Although it meant taking out another loan, he purchased a better lot to run the business from. With Joanne and Tina's help, things were slowly starting to come together.

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The arrival of spring helped a lot too!

Notes: With the leaky roof on the last lot I decided to make a completely new shopping district- Kerry Creek, with the Walker Farm Market being the first lot built there! I'm hoping as the hood grows, other families will start up businesses since I have a lot of business ideas! The Walker Farm Market is now at rank 3, it's a great start!