Michael had been thinking about retiring for a while now. He enjoyed his job but he was old. He wanted to focus him attention on his son and grandchildren.

With Michael now retired, Marie felt she could get back into working on her next promotion.

Until one of the kids needed her minutes later!

Elise was thrilled to find out she was pregnant again. Sure, they had a full house and life was hectic but she was a natural mum.

It wasn't long before Xavier joined the triplets in toddler hood.

Marie tried to cope with the triplets as best she could. She was greatful for Michael and Elise helping out but she wanted to prove that she could be a mum and have a successful career at the same time.

Autumn's allergies didn't help...

Elise went into labour late one night and gave birth to a healthy baby girl- Lauren.

Marie watched Josh hugging Xavier and was grateful that her three were almost old enough to start school. She would miss sweet moments like this though!

Almost as quickly as they had arrived, Autumn, Dion and Josh were five and were ready to start kindergarten. Maybe life would be a little less hectic for Marie!

Christopher appears to be gutted about dying. Or maybe it was because his tombstone was struck by lightning? This was at about 16:40 sim time. I thought it was some sort of awesome bug at first since I didn't think ghosts appeared before dark then a quick google search told me they can appear if their tombstone is struck by lightning. Well, there was a thunder storm and then Christopher turned up so that explains it!
Notes: Crazy round! It's taken me forever to play this family, the problem being mainly triplet related! As sweet as they were (especially the autonomous hug between Josh and Xavier!) I am so glad they're now kids. Xavier has 1 day left as a toddler and then it's onto big-kid-dom for him too so next round should be easier with basically just Lauren as a toddler. Speaking of Lauren, she was my last attempt to getting the Henshaw grey eyes but nope, she got Elise's eyes. Bugger. No more kiddies for this family until all the current kiddies are grown. I'm surprised Michael still appears to be going strong, I expected him to follow in Christopher's footsteps this round. The grim reaper must sense that Michael is still needed in the land of the living! Has anyone figured out who the triplet's father is?